An overview of Charlie Crist’s policies: will he have what it takes to defeat DeSantis?
This isn't Crist's first bid for Florida Governor, but only time and the Florida voter will tell if this latest attempt will be a successful one. Photo courtesy of Flickr.

An overview of Charlie Crist’s policies: will he have what it takes to defeat DeSantis?

Current Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) seems to be a headlining topic in a variety of news outlets, podcasts and twitter threads—he seems to reside rent-free in everyone's head; but what about his opponent?  Democratic nominee for Florida Gov. Charlie Crist won the Florida Democratic…

New Interim General Counsel weighs in on campus issues
Headshot of Interim General Counsel David Smolker, taken from his page on Linkedin.

New Interim General Counsel weighs in on campus issues

New College President Patricia Okker announced on Sept. 14 that the college's General Counsel and Pre-Law Advisor David Fugett would be resigning his position of four years after accepting an offer to become the General Counsel at Florida Polytechnic University. The General Counsel serves an…

From top to bottom, TYGKO’s music career has been all love
A shot of TYGKO, taken during a photoshoot for his latest, album, "Long Ass Breakup" (2021). Photo courtesy of TYGKO.

From top to bottom, TYGKO’s music career has been all love

Music has always been a way for people to connect with one another. Few things in this world have the ability to break down barriers and allow freedom of expression the way that music does. Concerts alone are enough proof of this concept. Going to…

New club Forward Faith inspires interfaith conversation and collaboration
Forward Faith's club logo, taken from the email announcement of their first club meeting.

New club Forward Faith inspires interfaith conversation and collaboration

On Sept. 11, Forward Faith—the new interfaith club at New College—met in HCL 8 for the first time. This meeting included introductions, welcomed individuals who seek to share their faith stories and some creative icebreakers to get the good vibes going. The two current officers…

Professors Emily Carr and Avni Vyas bring poetry, tarot and creative writing out of the classroom and into the wild
Copies of Little God are available for students to check out at no cost in the Writing Resource Center (WRC). Photo taken by Sophia Brown.

Professors Emily Carr and Avni Vyas bring poetry, tarot and creative writing out of the classroom and into the wild

New College’s Creative Writing program is almost three years old at this point; spearheaded in Spring 2020 by Visiting Assistant Professor of Creative Writing Emily Carr, New College students have only recently been introduced to the world of experimental creative writing and poetry in practice.…

Beloved Metz employee Laura Testa passed away at 71
Table at Laura’s memorial, decorated with pictures, flowers and messages from students. Photo taken by Gaby Batista.

Beloved Metz employee Laura Testa passed away at 71

Laura Testa, a beloved member of the Metz staff, passed away late August at 71 years of age. A memorial service held for her on Sept. 14 in the Hamilton “Ham” Center proved that her legacy will be remembered as a tough-loving, passionate woman who…

Newtown Alive trolley tours give visitors a glimpse into the histories of Newtown and Overtown
The “Siesta Trolley” one of Newtown Alive’s trolleys.

Newtown Alive trolley tours give visitors a glimpse into the histories of Newtown and Overtown

In 2016, a plan was proposed to Sarasota County by the North County Community Organization to document Newtown’s history, eventually forming Newtown Alive, an organization dedicated to recording and preserving the history of one of the oldest communities in Sarasota. Their work has overseen recordings…

Radiant Communities film screening premieres on Oct. 6, showcasing student films and visions of Sarasota community
A still from the film Folded Island---a human hand delicately holding a sea urchin, human and nonhuman life co-mingling, the merging of two communities. Photo courtesy of Wes Kline.

Radiant Communities film screening premieres on Oct. 6, showcasing student films and visions of Sarasota community

Community is forever at the forefront of everyone’s mind at New College—what does community mean, how do we form community, what can we do to keep this community strong? And for good reason; the coronavirus pandemic and New College’s continued battle to increase enrollment and…