Behind the scenes of New College’s student forum
As annoying as students may find the repeated emails requesting that they fill out their Instructional Evaluations, they're a pivotal way for students to make their voices heard in the academic sphere.

Behind the scenes of New College’s student forum

The forum has been a valuable tool for New College students to communicate with one another for years. The forum is extremely useful for students looking for help with projects, buying or selling second hand clothes and furniture, organizing small events such as game nights…

Middle school science teacher and democratic socialist Richie Floyd running for St. Pete city council
The homepage of Richie Floyd's website, including a headshot.

Middle school science teacher and democratic socialist Richie Floyd running for St. Pete city council

St. Petersburg’s citywide general election is rapidly approaching in just under a month, and one candidate has amassed attention and success during the August primary election—self-described “unabashed democratic socialist” Richie Floyd. Previously a middle school science teacher and now running for the District 8 City…

Liz Mena brings Latinx experience to the forefront with new podcast Gringolandia Chats
The logo for Gringolandia Chats, produced by Making a Better New.

Liz Mena brings Latinx experience to the forefront with new podcast Gringolandia Chats

In a year that can be characterized by forced isolation and a yearning for connection, thesis student Elizabeth “Liz” Mena’s Gringolandia Chats stitches together a quilt of stories and experiences that bring the New College Latinx community closer together. Having released its latest episode—”Episode 4:…

Dedicated professor and former President Michalson retires
Michalson speaking at the 2002 Commencement. Link:

Dedicated professor and former President Michalson retires

After nearly three decades of facilitating thoughtful discussions on Christian ethics in the classroom and shaping the future of a newly independent college, Professor Gordon “Mike” Michalson retired at the end of this semester. He will be remembered by his colleagues and students for his gentle leadership, wry wit and unrelenting dedication to the liberal arts.