10 questions with Professor of French Amy Reid
photo courtesy of Amy Reid Reid’s second translated volume of a trilogy of political novels by Patrice Nganang, When the Plums are Ripe, is coming out this spring.

10 questions with Professor of French Amy Reid

photo courtesy of Amy Reid Reid’s second translated volume of a trilogy of political novels by Patrice Nganang, When the Plums are Ripe, is coming out this spring. Professor of French and Gender Studies Amy Reid has been teaching at New College since 1995. During…

African Goddesses professor Dr. Samuel comes to NCF
A retired professional dancer, Judith Samuel has experienced performing and teaching all around the world. (Photo courtesy of Judith Samuel)

African Goddesses professor Dr. Samuel comes to NCF

The miniclass for the healing powers of African goddesses had students spilling into the hallway, doing their best to peer in. The person at the head of the crowded room: an adjunct professor in her first year at New College, bringing her experience as a…


Meet an Emotional Support Animal!

Turtle Spiliadis Age: 1 yr old DOB: 6/27/16 Zodiac sign: Cancer Weight: 10.5 lbs Species: Dog Breed: Labradoodle Fun fact: When she sees a baby, she crawls towards them on her stomach so she doesn't scare them and licks their feet.        …

Double Knit: the stories of Diana Hayes
Catalyst staff member Michala Head met with Diana Hayes, author of the Double Knit series which chronicles her life living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

Double Knit: the stories of Diana Hayes

  During my recent trip to Hendersonville, North Carolina, I had a chance to sit down with Double Knit author Diana Jane Hayes, and her partner and caregiver, Chuck Hayes. The Double Knit books are autobiographies that chronicle Diana’s life and how she has faced…