DeSantis misplaces taxpayer money for migrant flights
A political cartoon depicting Ron DeSantis with the text, "Ron is very fond of flying stunts. But not so sure he has a license." Photo courtesy of McClaine Moore on Flickr.

DeSantis misplaces taxpayer money for migrant flights

Florida Gov. and crusader against all things “woke,” Ron DeSantis, stirs up more controversy concerning the use and failure to account for all tax dollars used in his plan to send Texan Migrants to Martha’s Vineyard. The horrific abuse of human rights that stranded 50…

New polls indicate Trump wielding considerable lead over DeSantis for Republican nominee
Gov. Ron DeSantis and then-President Donald Trump meeting in 2018. Photo courtesy of Flickr.

New polls indicate Trump wielding considerable lead over DeSantis for Republican nominee

For Former President Donald Trump, history looks like it’s going to repeat itself. On Nov. 15, he announced his third consecutive run for the Presidency, hoping to overturn his Democratic usurper, President Joseph Biden. Much the same as his 2016 run, though, in front of…

Woman, Life, Freedom: Protestors fight to dismantle authoritarian state in Iran
[A sign held by a protestor which reads, "The Internet in Iran is down. They are killing protestors. Be their voice. Silence is violence." Image courtesy of

Woman, Life, Freedom: Protestors fight to dismantle authoritarian state in Iran

Iranian citizens are revolting against the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran in what many are calling a feminist revolution. On Sept. 16, Mahsa “Zhina” Amini, a 22 year old Kurdish woman, died from her injuries after being beaten by morality police in Tehran…

Right-wing extremist invades home of Speaker of the House
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and her husband Paul Pelosi photographed in 2011. (Courtesy of flickr.)

Right-wing extremist invades home of Speaker of the House

On Oct. 28, David DePape, suspected of being a far-right fringe theorist, broke into the home of Nancy and Paul Pelosi and, looking for Speaker Pelosi, found her husband and beat him with a hammer. The story is a strange one—and indicative of a broader,…

Tensions increasing in Russia-Ukraine war signify possible U.S. involvement, nuclear war on the table
Graphic by Nickolas Steinig.

Tensions increasing in Russia-Ukraine war signify possible U.S. involvement, nuclear war on the table

The U.S-backed proxy war in Ukraine is reaching its fevered boiling point. As Russia continues to strike devastating blows to Ukrainian infrastructure, the military posture of the U.S. and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has become increasingly escalatory in nature, threatening to drag the…

Midterm Election report: Florida swings overwhelmingly Republican
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis speaking at the 2021 Student Actions Summit. (Photo courtesy of Gage Skidmore.)

Midterm Election report: Florida swings overwhelmingly Republican

By Basil Pursley & Caspian Rizzo Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has secured re-election by a landslide. DeSantis’ victory was declared with 88% of the votes in. DeSantis won with 59.5% of the votes (4,568,386) 1,510,885 ahead of Charlie Crist, leaving many Democrats disappointed.  During…

88 Tactical plans to expand to Tampa and Fort Lauderdale
Map of all future 88 Tactical locations. (Courtesy of official website.)

88 Tactical plans to expand to Tampa and Fort Lauderdale

Based in Omaha, Nebraska, the controversial gun club facility 88 Tactical has drawn attention from all over the country for the not-so-subtle use of neo-Nazi dog whistles. This is not an isolated bastion of white supremacy; the company has recently announced plans for expansion in…

“Their blood is on your hands”: Florida Board of Medicine votes to ban gender-affirming care for minors
Image of trans activists in the hotel lobby where the meeting was held, staging a “die-in” in protest of the ruling. (Courtesy of Erin Reed.)

“Their blood is on your hands”: Florida Board of Medicine votes to ban gender-affirming care for minors

“Their blood is on your hands,” the crowd chanted as the Florida Board of Medicine announced it will only hear one last public comment regarding their ruling to ban gender-affirming care to minors.  It’s been a long time coming. In June, the Board revoked medicaid…

‘Playing with fire’: Boston biolab creates mixed-strain COVID virus that killed 80% of humanized mice
Graphic made by Nickolas Steinig using

‘Playing with fire’: Boston biolab creates mixed-strain COVID virus that killed 80% of humanized mice

This is the second article in a two-part series about the involvement of biolabs internationally in the creation and spread of the COVID-19 virus. Read part one here. Boston University researchers have been facing widespread backlash after DailyMail published an article on Oct. 17 revealing…

Strong evidence emerges that COVID-19 was man-made and escaped from Wuhan biolab
Graphic created by Nickolas Steinig using

Strong evidence emerges that COVID-19 was man-made and escaped from Wuhan biolab

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, government agencies and public health officials have tirelessly and forcefully asserted the origins of the COVID-19 virus to be naturalistic—an unfortunate, unpreventable consequence of biological evolution and epidemiological processes. Yet, a recent report titled An Analysis…

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