Biden reorders primaries as he eyes his second term
The city hall of San Francisco, California on primary election night, 2016. Photo courtesy of Flickr.

Biden reorders primaries as he eyes his second term

In early December, President Joe Biden suggested a shift in the order in which states engage in the Democratic primaries. This seemingly minor change indicates a significant realignment in the Democratic party and a defensive play from the aging President. The proposed reorganization would shift…

Coincidence? New Sarasota school board immediately moves to fire superintendent
A crowd of Sarasotans just outside the School Board chambers, hoping for a chance at entry during the first stages of Asplen's termination. Photo taken by Basil Pursley.

Coincidence? New Sarasota school board immediately moves to fire superintendent

A 4-1 decision by the newly instated Sarasota School Board resulted in the first stages of superintendent Brennan Asplen’s termination. Parents, teachers, students and concerned taxpayers swarmed the Sarasota School Board Building for the board’s special meeting on Nov. 29—many not even able to get…

Pediatricians are lobbying Biden to declare state of emergency over a triple wave of respiratory illness
Photo of hospital beds, courtesy of

Pediatricians are lobbying Biden to declare state of emergency over a triple wave of respiratory illness

Pediatricians across the country are petitioning the Biden administration to declare a state of emergency over the uptick in respiratory illness for patients admitted to U.S. hospitals. This request from hospitals and doctors lobbying the Biden administration is coming off the back of a triple…

Nancy Pelosi announces retirement from Speakership
With Pelosi stepping down from her position as Speaker of the House, the floor is now open in a way it hasn't been in many years. Photo courtesy of Caspian Rizzo.

Nancy Pelosi announces retirement from Speakership

When it became clear that the Democratic Party was no longer going to maintain their majority in the House of Representatives, the already-scrambling party was dealt another significant blow. Nancy Pelosi, who has been the Speaker of the House twice since assuming office—both times that…

Missile that struck Poland determined by NATO to be Ukrainian misfire
Polish President Andrzej Duda speaking with military in 2021. (Courtesy of flickr.)

Missile that struck Poland determined by NATO to be Ukrainian misfire

On Nov. 15, the Polish village of Przewodów, residing near the Polish-Ukrainian border, was struck by two missiles. It was confirmed that the blasts killed two people. Amidst the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war, the incident proves to be one of the latest examples of international violence…

First Member of Gen Z Elected to Congress: Maxwell Alejandro Frost
Maxwell Frost speaking to an audience. (Courtesy of

First Member of Gen Z Elected to Congress: Maxwell Alejandro Frost

As more and more members of Generation Z—people born between 1997 and 2012—reach voting age, a persistent critique has been the lack of representation of their age group in political races. However, during this midterm election, this was finally set to change. Maxwell Alejandro Frost,…

Federal judge blocks the “dystopian” House Bill 7 in court
The Florida Supreme Court building. (Courtesy of flickr.)

Federal judge blocks the “dystopian” House Bill 7 in court

“This is positively dystopian,” Chief U.S. District Judge Mark Walker stated in his Nov. 17th ruling which was able to temporarily block Florida’s House Bill 7, aka the Stop WOKE Act, from being enforced in public universities—such as New College.  The judge made distinct references…