“No grad blues, just grad booze cruise” for 2014 cohort
A graduating class circa 1980 participating in Grad Cruise. Photo courtesy of the NCSA Archives.

“No grad blues, just grad booze cruise” for 2014 cohort

For time immemorial, Sarasota bay has seen New College students in all states of sobriety and celebration. But as the school changed with the passing decades, so did its festivities. With the majority of baccalaureate examination--or BACC dates--falling in late April or at the latest,…


Gatsby returns to Caples for a night to remember

(all photos Miranda Gale/Tangent)   No matter their area of concentration, many denizens of New College read F. Scott Fitzgerald’s famous novel, The Great Gatsby, in high school or watched the 2013 film version with Leonardo DiCaprio as the titular character. For some, this classic…


The Waterfront: a short history

  27*22.80N, 082*33.89W. For generations of water-loving students, this coordinate point marks the first place they rigged a sailboat, went on an afternoon-long kayaking adventure or learned how to windsurf. While this is a place in common to many cohorts, the face and facilities of…

Racing Dog Retirement Project makes adopting greyhounds accessible
(All photos by Miranda Gale/Catalyst) Liam, a retired racing dog, is camera-shy but happy in his forever home.

Racing Dog Retirement Project makes adopting greyhounds accessible

  Greyhounds may be the fastest dogs in the world, but they’re also mellow, magnanimous and grade-A couch potatoes. And unlike many kinds of purebred dogs, where obtaining the family pet of one’s dreams may involve back-and-forths with breeders, waiting lists for litters and American…

Have gambling and greyhounds run their course? A potential amendment to the Florida constitution
(Photo courtesy of Washington Post) Greyhound racing has been legal in Florida since 1931 and the state still has the largest amount of active dog tracks in the nation.

Have gambling and greyhounds run their course? A potential amendment to the Florida constitution

  By economic standards, greyhound racing is a dying sport. Bets placed on live Florida races have dropped 56.6 percent since 2006 and public support is at an all time low, with top Google searches for “greyhound racing” delivering viewers to sites such as PETA.com…


Food pantry gains 501.3 (c) status

From resident advisor (RA) events stocked with snacks, to the community Ham card present at the end of the semester, efforts to alleviate student hunger have often ran into complications. However, after a long process, a more permanent solution has been found: the food pantry,…