Horoscopes for the 9/12 issue
photo courtesy of en.wikipedia.org

Horoscopes for the 9/12 issue

Rejoice, for it is Virgo season! Hopefully the trademark Virgo characteristic of organization will equate to everyone getting and keeping their shit together as the semester begins. Aries: You are in the driver’s seat, because that is just who you (probably) are. You are taking…

First Towne Meeting of the semester held
Palm Court in 1995. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

First Towne Meeting of the semester held

Held in the Hamilton “Ham” Center due to soggy outdoor conditions, the productive, first Towne Meeting took place. Several New College Student Alliance (NCSA) positions were appointed. These included third-year Gina Vasquez as Vice President of Green Affairs (VPGA) and thesis student Eva Ernst as…

Library Coffee Bar opens for business
Michala Head/Catalyst Cake was served at the opening celebration.

Library Coffee Bar opens for business

Returning students were met with conspicuous changes to their library, including a new coffee bar. This vision for the Jane Bancroft Cook library was developed by Provost Barbara Feldman. “I want students to spend time in the library studying, collaborating, sharing ideas and all these…

Cis-man free music festival organized in Sweden
photo courtesy of pixnio.com

Cis-man free music festival organized in Sweden

Music festival attendance has risen to indisputable popularity in recent years. After saving up for months for outfits and tickets, attendees seek to kick back and enjoy the acts. However, it is clear that not everyone can completely relax, as 90 percent of female concertgoers…

Sarasota Mellows Out
photo courtesy of www.flickr.com

Sarasota Mellows Out

Sarasota students looking to enjoy the craft pizza in the trademark Mellow Mushroom psychedelic environment would have to trek to Brandon, Tampa or even Orlando to get their fix: until now. Nestled between the Dutch Valley and a Red Lobster in Sarasota’s Gulf Gate area…


Fogartyville center bought by WSLR

“We just have to create alternatives, so we are trying to get people to imagine what could it be and how can we help get it there,” Arlene Sweeting, former director of the Peace and Action Center and Fogartyville, said regarding the futures of both…