The road to the presidential election

  It is impossible to escape the political excess that is the presidential primary season. Despite some insight recent debates and primaries may provide, the question remains as to who will become the next president of the United States. Iowa Caucus On Feb. 1, Iowa…

America’s heroin epidemic
Deaths from heroin overdoses nearly quadrupled from 2002 to 2013, the Center For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) reported, with more than 47,000 drug overdose deaths in 2014.

America’s heroin epidemic

Heroin use has increased dramatically in the U.S. over the past decade. Between 2006 and 2013, a study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) revealed that the number of first-time heroin users doubled from 90,000 to 169,000. Health care providers wrote more…

Newtown Farmers Market
Lou Murray is many things. The first he’d probably tell you about is his position as a deacon at the Bethlehem Baptist church- the oldest church in Newtown. But he’s also the vice president of the Manatee/ Sarasota Democratic Black Caucus of Florida, a food security veteran and a grandpa. He’s retired and plays golf on Mondays. But mostly, Lou is a kick ass community activist.

Newtown Farmers Market

This past Friday, a farmer’s market set up for the second time at the Redevelopment Office right off MLK way, in the heart of the Newtown neighborhood. From the street, the market looks like a makeshift stand with heaps of produce laid out on tables…


The “Uglyz” are back

Since the all women and queer soccer team, the “Uglyz”, dissolved in 2013 due to a lack of interest from the student body, court soccer has been one of the only outlets for Novo Collegians to exercise their love of soccer. However, the behavior in…

Students intertwine academics and wellness in triathlon tutorial
"It's satisfying knowing that you're working toward a goal that’s outside of academics, and you have teammates that are going to celebrate with you at the end,” said first-year transfer and triathlon tutorial participant Kevin Wilborn.

Students intertwine academics and wellness in triathlon tutorial

  Between classes, extracurriculars, jobs, family and friends, college students have little time to spare throughout the week. Consequently, personal wellness easily slips to the bottom of the daily to-do list—especially at New College, where coursework comes in droves and studying creeps into the deep…

The cost of ‘Nothing’
Thesis student Bradley Baker is one of serval students who has performed at Nothing Arts Center.

The cost of ‘Nothing’

Not a single discarded TV went to waste for a period of time in Sarasota. “People were [...] thinking ‘It would be cool to line this [space] with TVs,’” thesis student Hedda Cooper said. “And then you would look out for all the TVs you…