A snapshot of the newly-formed Photography Club
A student photographer from the New College days of old. Photo courtesy of the NCSA Archives.

A snapshot of the newly-formed Photography Club

With the large influx of students attending New College for the 2022-2023 academic year comes the pressure to add more flair to student life and the community. This year in particular has been abundant in the amount of new-found or re-emerging clubs that have entered…

NCF observes Indigenous Awareness Month with trip to Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum
Cypress Billie near one of the many exhibits of Seminole culture that the Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum has to offer. Photo taken by Brynn Halpern.

NCF observes Indigenous Awareness Month with trip to Ah-Tah-Thi-Ki Museum

With Thanksgiving break approaching, it is essential to take a moment to recognize November as a month of indigenous celebration and commemoration. Whether that be in the form of research, activism or community events, each to the improvement of Native American recognition in the United…

Tips and tricks for having an ESA on campus
Tassie, residential ESA, being adorable and stretching. Photo courtesy of London Weier.

Tips and tricks for having an ESA on campus

Emotional support animals (ESA) can be found all over New College’s campus, whether it’s a dog playing fetch on Z Green or a cat being carried around in a backpack—or perhaps you’ve even spotted students being pulled around on a skateboard by a dog? ESAs…

Burying the past: Anthropology Lab TA accepting donations for COVID-19 time capsule
Time capsule from 2010 just outside the Anthropology and Public Archaeology Labs with a hand for size comparison. Photo Credit: Uzi Baram.

Burying the past: Anthropology Lab TA accepting donations for COVID-19 time capsule

Time capsules as we know them are one of many ways to preserve history and provide a lens into the lives of those who put it together. A snippet of time can be kept in a box—stowed away until it almost becomes the distant past—before…

Visions of the Black Experience Film Festival: a window into black culture and intellectualism
Photo from 2nd Annual Visions of the Black Experience | Boxser Diversity Initiative.

Visions of the Black Experience Film Festival: a window into black culture and intellectualism

The Visions of the Black Experience Film Festival was a chance for New College students to discuss pressing issues revolving around African medical care, decolonizing education and African American historical figures. The festival was held on Nov. 10 through 12 at the Mildred Sainer Pavilion…

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College Hall centennial approaches: the rich history of NCF’s most iconic building
Two arched windows facing the long road leading to College Hall frame the open-gated entrance to the first floor of the building. Photo taken by Christine Wehner.

College Hall centennial approaches: the rich history of NCF’s most iconic building

College Hall has always been the flagship sight to see for students attending New College . In 1962—two years after New College was founded—Sarasota trustees were given the opportunity to purchase this aged building that is now an essential part of the campus. The now…

Novo collegiate turned game developer: a sneak peak at Ferris Whitney’s video game “Mechsel”
Mechsel's title screen. Photo courtesy of Ferris Whitney.

Novo collegiate turned game developer: a sneak peak at Ferris Whitney’s video game “Mechsel”

Mechsel is a game you’ve never heard of, currently in the works by third-year Computer Science student Ferris Whitney.  Whitney, a computer hardware and retro console enthusiast, is working to make their mark on the indie gaming scene with their first video game. They started…

National Novel Writing Month at NCF
The Writing Resource Center's NaNoWriMo corkboard. (Courtesy of Isabelle Campesi.)

National Novel Writing Month at NCF

Ever had a literary passion project or idea so good, it should be a novel? If so, then National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) offers the opportunity to make this dream a reality. This challenging yet stimulating event being observed by the Writing Resource Center (WRC)…

Previewing Stupid F*cking Bird: Chekhov’s “The Seagull” Twice Removed
Second-year Mars Frambles rocking out during rehearsal. Photo taken by Sophia Brown.

Previewing Stupid F*cking Bird: Chekhov’s “The Seagull” Twice Removed

Provided one pardons the French of an old Russian play in new clothes, there’s something to be said of thesis student and director KC Casey’s rendition of Aaron Posner’s Stupid Fucking Bird—a triumph two-and-a-half years in the making—that’s managed to capture the Novo imagination. Perhaps…

Art, adversity and the creative thesis: Spotlight on Fall graduates
Above 74 Degrees: Temperature Dysregulation, OIl on Canvas. (Courtesy of Fae Borodiansky.)

Art, adversity and the creative thesis: Spotlight on Fall graduates

The New College thesis, although daunting, is a rite of passage into graduation. Students take their projects to creative depths in order to spread their message—some even add a highlight on trauma, disability or mental illness in order to connect personally to their thesis. Although…