A unique New College experience: Birding for academic credit
A flock of American White Pelicans flying over the bay. (Photo taken by Arianna Lockman.)

A unique New College experience: Birding for academic credit

An exclusive New College experience takes place throughout the entire month of January, a period when Independent Study Projects (ISPs) take place. During this time, students embark on a month-long research project, which can be done in groups or can be done independently between a…

When in Rome: ISP lets students sample ancient Roman cuisine
The cover of Mark Grant's Roman Cookery: Ancient Recipes for Modern Kitchens, the inspiration for the ISP.

When in Rome: ISP lets students sample ancient Roman cuisine

Professor of Classics David Rohrbacher’s Food and Dining in Ancient Rome Independent Study Project (ISP) was a huge hit among students, drawing in well over a dozen first-years for their first group ISP. Take a look back on the different meals and students’ experience with…

New College German Department presents, “Border Stations and Ghost Stations in Divided Berlin”
Rachel Roeder at the Berlin Wall exhibit opening. (Photo taken by Chloe Rusek.)

New College German Department presents, “Border Stations and Ghost Stations in Divided Berlin”

Imagine going to bed and waking up to a world divided by a wall that seemingly sprung up overnight. Aug. 13, 1961: the communist German Democratic Republic (GDR) began the construction of a wall separating East and West Berlin. With the Berlin Wall playing such…

2022-2023 group ISPs: What does New College have to offer?
For one of many group ISPs available this year, “Birding New College,” students will have the opportunity to encounter and identify all kinds of local birds. Photo courtesy of the New College Feral Pigeons club.

2022-2023 group ISPs: What does New College have to offer?

It’s that delightful time of year: students are studying for finals and preparing for the holidays while snowbirds begin their invasion of the Sarasota area. Despite the holiday cheer and the terrific traffic, there is another annual event students have to look forward to: Independent…

First-year, first semester: new students offer insight to on-campus life for Fall 2022
A table of first-year students eating lunch in the Hamilton "Ham" Center, shortly after fall classes first began. Photo taken by Brynn Halpern.

First-year, first semester: new students offer insight to on-campus life for Fall 2022

First-year students have started their college experiences this academic year with a constant stream of tropical storms and at the tail-end of a pandemic. With the misaligned syllabi and stressful schedules, it seemed like the end of this semester wasn't in sight for first-timers here…

Holiday hotspots in Sarasota
UTC celebrating the holiday season. (Taken by Aria Lockmann.)

Holiday hotspots in Sarasota

Earlier this semester, the Catalyst covered a trifecta of locally-owned businesses where one could get a good cup of coffee. Assuming the campus has been caffeinated—coupled with so many students being cooped up during the dreaded finals week—the best course of action would be to…

Written in ink: New College students show off their tattoos
A tattoo depicting a Pacific Island girl. She also has tattoos, and she is holding four plumerias. Photo courtesy of Aimee Mendoza.

Written in ink: New College students show off their tattoos

The history of tattoos is estimated to date back to 5,000 BCE. Humans have always been fascinated with body art—especially when said art has the potential to become a permanent part of them. What could be a better way to honor something special to you…

EQTA Office and Band Room undergo significant renovations
Ariella Russin poses with the newly organized jean couch, drumset, guitars, and keyboard. (Taken by Christine Wehner.)

EQTA Office and Band Room undergo significant renovations

Any student who has ever attended a Wall, participated in a student-run event with live music or who has attended a Senate Meeting with a functioning microphone has two different groups of people to thank: the Equipment Teaching Assistants (EQTAs) and the Band Room TAs.…

New Executive Assistant to the President, Maura Galvao, shares a look into the position
College Hall (left) and Cook Hall (right), found at New College's bay front.

New Executive Assistant to the President, Maura Galvao, shares a look into the position

Every President, CEO or director has an assistant to keep them organized and on top of their daily, weekly and monthly duties. On Nov. 17, it was announced to the student body that Maura Galvao had accepted the position of Executive Assistant to the President…