Giving back to the community: Volunteer opportunities in Sarasota
Second Heart Homes aims "to get people off the street, enhance quality of life by providing stability and services and to foster the highest attainable level of self-sufficiency."

Giving back to the community: Volunteer opportunities in Sarasota

Sarasota is filled with a wide variety of volunteer opportunities for those interested in giving back to the community. These opportunities pertain to a vast selection of causes ranging from prevalent national organizations such as Meals on Wheels, a program that works to address senior…

Sarasota Farmers Market: people, dogs, commerce and culture
A view of the northern entrance of the Sarasota Farmers Market, bustling with people.

Sarasota Farmers Market: people, dogs, commerce and culture

Downtown Sarasota is a bundle of lively commerce, endless construction, and cultural interplay underpinned with a melodious racket and ceaseless heat. While many enjoy the chaotic and busy energy of the city, others look for openings to get away. Beyond the bustling roads and sky-splitting…

Liz Mena brings Latinx experience to the forefront with new podcast Gringolandia Chats
The logo for Gringolandia Chats, produced by Making a Better New.

Liz Mena brings Latinx experience to the forefront with new podcast Gringolandia Chats

In a year that can be characterized by forced isolation and a yearning for connection, thesis student Elizabeth “Liz” Mena’s Gringolandia Chats stitches together a quilt of stories and experiences that bring the New College Latinx community closer together. Having released its latest episode—”Episode 4:…

Songs You Should Hear: Movie Music Mix
The "Scott Pilgrim vs The World" soundtrack contains 15 original songs written for the movie, as well as a slew of bonus tracks and acoustic demos.

Songs You Should Hear: Movie Music Mix

A movie or show’s soundtrack is a valuable tool for setting the tone or giving scenes more emotional kick to them, whether that be a fight scene set to a pulse-pounding, high octane rock song or a more somber scene set to a sorrowful ballad…

New Music New College back in full swing with first event of the year
The Pete Carney quartet playing in the radically-transformed Sudakoff Conference Center, decorated to give the feel of a jazz club. Photo courtesy of Nancy Nassiff.

New Music New College back in full swing with first event of the year

“All new music, all the time.” This is the thesis of the New Music New College (NMNC) program, currently helmed by Assistant Professor of Digital Media and Music Mark Dancigers. Though the pandemic did poke a hole in the motto last year, no time is…

Ringling Underground’s triumphant return
The Museum Courtyard makes for the ideal spot on the Ringling property to host a concert.

Ringling Underground’s triumphant return

Like many other social events both on and off campus, Ringling Underground—an event hosted by the Ringling Museum of Art, which features local artists and musicians performing at the iconic Museum Courtyard—is returning this year. Previous events at the Ringling Museum of Art were cancelled…

Songs You Should Hear: Fall Edition
This edition of Songs You Should Hear aims to put you in a fall frame-of-mind, with both older and more modern song recommendations. Image taken from the album cover of Clairo's latest release, Sling.

Songs You Should Hear: Fall Edition

As September has rolled around, and pumpkins start to pop up in the corners of every grocery store, the Florida summer heat begins to fade away and is replaced by the slightly less unbearable autumn air. The coziness of the fall season puts one in…