OP-ED: The transition to New College, frat boy to Marxist
Maybe the real New College was the friends we made along the way. Taken at the Kava Social Club on karaoke night, photo courtesy of Ava Dold.

OP-ED: The transition to New College, frat boy to Marxist

“Oh, they do things differently here.” That is the immediate response to most questions when asked about experiences at New College. “Different” is what prefaces New College: a public honors college with less than 1,000 students simply isn’t the norm for college experiences.  That stark…

Reinventing the role of NCSA President: 10 Questions with Sofia Lombardi
A photo of now-NCSA President second-year Grace Keenan (left) and former NCSA President third-year Sofia Lombardi (right). At the time this photo was taken (Sept. 2021) Lombardi was President and Keenan was Chief of Staff.

Reinventing the role of NCSA President: 10 Questions with Sofia Lombardi

Between the myriad of unpredictable, confusing and oftentimes frightening developments on New College’s campus over the past two years—the rise of the coronavirus pandemic, several on-campus intrusions, various legislation in Tallahassee that would have threatened the integrity of New College and its students and the…

The PRIDE! Be Fabulous Arts Festival is bringing queer music and art to Sarasota
The PRIDE! Be Fabulous festival offers students a break from the stresses of finals with the opportunity to engage with local queer artists and musicians. Photo courtesy of Shannon Fortner.

The PRIDE! Be Fabulous Arts Festival is bringing queer music and art to Sarasota

The PRIDE! Be Fabulous festival is an annual arts event meant to amplify the voices of queer artists, especially locally to the Sarasota area. The event will take place on May 12 through 14 throughout the Boulevard of The Arts. Previously known as the Harvey…

The return of Gatsby
Gatsby party 2019. (Image courtesy of Megan Ballard.)

The return of Gatsby

The 2021-2022 academic year at New College has been characterized by the return of a variety of New College traditions and fixtures of student life, including Walls, Center of the Universe Parties (COUPs), Grad Cruise, Ringling Underground and, eventually, hopefully, the Four Winds Cafe. While…

Kadampa Meditation Center: nearby hidden gem offers meditation, art and tea
Gen Kelsang Dorje conducting a guided meditation in the temples main meditation hall during a Sunday class.

Kadampa Meditation Center: nearby hidden gem offers meditation, art and tea

A peaceful and lively chatter fills up the vibrant and spacious rooms of the Kadampa Meditation Center. Interested Sarasota locals and Buddhist monks radiating kindness sit intimately, discussing their daily lives, hopes and struggles over the freshly brewed tea provided by the in-house cafe. As…

A new wave of McCarthyism and censorship quietly sweeps the country
An altered image of an anti-Russian movie poster. Photo courtesy of history.com.

A new wave of McCarthyism and censorship quietly sweeps the country

In the United States, we ever so proudly laud our achievements with civil liberties. Guarantees to the freedom of press, speech and equality of treatment are our blood-bone. The very fabric of democratized society is stone carved and enameled upon unalienable rights. Yet, as the…

Climate change education takes puppet form in The Fog
“Welcome to Icy Land” sign on the set of The Fog. Photo courtesy of Nancy Nassif.

Climate change education takes puppet form in The Fog

New College experiences a slew of productions from the likes of Performance at New College (PANC) and, starting up again this semester, the Windmill Theater Company throughout each academic school year. After two and a half years of collaboration, co-writers, co-directors, co-producers and New College…

New Directions Short Play Festival gives student directors the spotlight
The four New Directions short plays will be shown in the Black Box Theater on Apr. 29 and 30 at 7:00. Photo courtesy of Cooper Smalley. Posters designed by Kyle Miller, K.C. Casey, Cooper Smalley and Pluto Boll.

New Directions Short Play Festival gives student directors the spotlight

New College’s Theater, Dance and Performance Studies (TDPS) program usually offers four shows each academic year: one fall and one spring theatrical production, one dance performance piece and an Independent Study Project (ISP) show. This semester, however, is noticeably different. Instead of a full-fledged faculty-sponsored…

NMNC New Fest brings experimental music and student compositions to campus
A headshot of Stephen Miles, provided by himself.

NMNC New Fest brings experimental music and student compositions to campus

The premiere of this year’s New Music New College (NMNC) New Fest started on Apr. 4 and is set to run through Apr. 24. Student composers and professional performers have come together to participate in both artist’s conversations and full performances of their self-composed pieces.…