Prescription Drug Take Back Day on campus

On Sat., Apr. 27, New College participated in the third annual Prescription Drug Take Back day. Students, faculty, staff and citizens of Sarasota and Manatee counties were invited to bring their old or expired prescriptions to the Cop Shop for safe disposal. The Drug Take…


Graduation PCP theme announced

Co-speaker of the Towne Meeting and third-year Martha Gibbons announced on Apr. 25 that the theme for Graduation PCP will be “End of the World” PCP. Other contenders were the “Call of the Hunting Horn” and “Cosmos (Carl Sagan)” PCPs. End of the World PCP…


Refurnished game room allows Wallternatives to grow

all photos Cassandra Corrado/Catalyst The new X-dorm game room opened in the beginning of the spring semester. The room has been refurnished with two gaming tables, a big-screen T.V. and many games for students to play. The game room is open to anyone who has…


WRC releases first ever Nude Collage

Shane Donglasan/Catalyst The cover of the first Nude Collage journal was designed by artists Foxanne Mesmer. In the back right corner of the Jane Bancroft Cook Library, behind the DVDs and the public computers, between the offices of the research librarians and the bathrooms, exists…


With help from CGA, compost system undergoes improvement

The compost system on campus will soon be undergoing improvements to make the collection process more efficient. Second-year and compost TA David Smith is currently working with the Committee of Green Affairs (CGA) in exploring new alternatives that would not only increase the productivity of…


Hairstyling: one alum's path after graduating

photo courtesy of Sarra Armbruster Strischek trims first-year Sarra Armbruster's hair. Shannon Strischek (’09) set up shop in Hamilton “Ham” Center on Apr. 21 and 22. Thousands of bristles of hair littered the tile in front of the reflective glass of Boar’s Head Sub Shop.…


Harry Truman one-man show comes to Sarasota's Cook Theatre

all photos courtesy of Larry McGee According to actor Jack Rabito, the one-man show titled “Give ‘Em Hell Harry” is not just for history students or “political geeks.” Rather, Rabito feels that the average New College student will enjoy the performance because it will give…


Pottermore opens to public, leaves many students underhwelmed

Pottermore was first announced on Jun. 15, 2011 as J.K. Rowling’s next Harry Potter project. The only information given out was the official logo. Then on Jun. 23, 2011, Rowling released an official announcement video that described Pottermore as an “online reading experience unlike any…


In Focus Casino Night: class, snazz and all that jazz

all photos Cassandra Corrado/Catalyst The New College Student Alliance (NCSA) hosted a Casino Night on Sat. Apr. 28. Members of the cabinet and volunteers distributed gambling chips and dealt cards out to students dressed in formalwear. Rather than gambling for money, players risked their chips…