The Catalyst reviews J.R. Phò Vietnamese and Thai Cuisine

all photos Corey Rae Rodda/Catalyst I strive to eat vegetarian, but I have my indiscretions. I gobbled down a paté smeared Vietnamese sub filled with barbecue pork, grilled chicken, carrots, cucumber, parsley and a menacing wedge of a jalapeño pepper at J.R. Phò Vietnamese and…


Former chief of UN news coverage George Parker visits campus

Skylar Ead/Catalyst Dean Bashant (left) met Parker (right) through her husband, and introduced him to his audience. The Career Center, formerly of Palmer E and now currently residing in HCL4, has recently begun hosting discussions and workshops in an effort to not only educate the…


After 20 years of service, registrar Kathy Allen to retire

Last December, UF students held a rally to demand that Gov. Rick Scott veto the "preeminence" bill, which would allow universities to charge market-rate tuition. Many responded angrily to UF president Bernie Machen's advocacy of the bill. After working in the Registrar’s Office for 20…


UF and FSU lobby for tuition hiking bill

Over the past five years, all Florida public universities have had funds cut again and again, but two of the state’s top universities have decided that if legislature will not hand over the green, the students are going to pay. On Thurs. Apr. 12, Florida State University (FSU) president Eric Barron and University of Florida (UF) president Bernie Machen lobbied Governor Rick Scott to sign Florida’s “preeminence” bill (HB 7129) — a law that would allow certain universities to increase yearly tuition higher than the current 15 percent cap. With the bill enacted, universities that fit 11 of the 14 requisites designated to accredit a nationally ranked research institution could set a “market-tuition” — giving them the ability to request unlimited tuition increases from their boards of trustees and the Board of Governors for any given year.


Administration and Work Crew talk about mold on campus

Indoor mold is never pretty. In many parts of the world, it is largely unavoidable, especially in humid climates such as Florida's. For thesis student Michael Conlen, however, mold represented more than a stubborn eyesore. “I would cough so hard that I would vomit,” Conlen…

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Guest Submission: No to Nuclear Iran

Last week, Iran met with the United Nations Security Council permanent members plus Germany in Istanbul in another attempt at a diplomatic resolution on Iran’s Nuclear Program. However, at the same time that Iran announced its return to the diplomatic table, the country also completed…