all photos Cassandra Corrado/Catalyst
The new X-dorm game room opened in the beginning of the spring semester. The room has been refurnished with two gaming tables, a big-screen T.V. and many games for students to play. The game room is open to anyone who has an encoded card, but on Friday and Saturday nights the room’s doors remain open to students coming to play Magic: The Gathering, Apples to Apples, Mario Kart and Monopoly at the Wallternatives.
Up until the new game room was furnished, Wallternative events typically occurred in Hamilton “Ham” Center, but were frequently displaced if Walls had to move due to rain. Thanks to their new permanent location, the Wallternative group has grown and is able to play games uninterrupted all night long. Wallternatives give students who prefer to remain substance-free and who do not enjoy the music of the Walls a way to still go out and hang out with other students on the weekends.“We get here a little before 10:00 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays,” second-year Anthony Serifsoy told the Catalyst. “Sometimes we can be here until 3:00 a.m. or 4:00 a.m. Usually, up until then, you’ll find a group of us here.” While the most widely-played game at Wallternatives is Magic: The Gathering, there are many people who opt for games more reminiscent of childhood, such as Monopoly, Apples to Apples and Candyland.
For more information about “Wallternatives,” contact James Eveland at james [dot] eveland [at] ncf [dot] edu.