Global strike demands climate action

SRQ demonstrators gathered around speeches during the first portion of the strike.All photo credits go to Sergio Salinas First-year students Dylan Gelderman and Aniston Hoffman prepared signs to take to the Sarasota Climate Strike. The Global Climate Strike took place Friday Sept. 20. Climate activists…


New NCSA Cabinet hopes to enhance transparency

"FTK": the unofficial NCSA motto.Credit: Adriana Gavilanes The new semester welcomes a fresh New College Student Alliance (NCSA) Cabinet for the 2019-2020 school year. The former Co-president, third-year Steven Keshishian, transitioned from the shared role to the sole position of NCSA President. Members of the…


Climate strike planned for Sept. 20

Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old Swedish climate activist, has called for people around the world to walk out of their schools and workplaces on Sept. 20 to bring attention to the ongoing climate crisis and demand bolder climate action from those with the political means to…


Qantas chief Alan Joyce ‘to press charges’ over pie incident

[vc_row][vc_column width="1/3"][rs_special_text tag="div" align="left" font_weight="700" font_size="20px" line_height="1.5em" font_color="#0a0a0a"]Story Highlights[/rs_special_text][rs_space lg_device="10" md_device="" sm_device="" xs_device=""][rs_special_text tag="div" align="left" font_weight="700" font_size="16px" line_height="1.5em" font_color="#666666"] French voters will head to the polls Sunday in race between Macron [/rs_special_text][rs_space lg_device="5" md_device="" sm_device="" xs_device=""][rs_special_text tag="div" align="left" font_weight="700" font_size="16px" line_height="1.5em" font_color="#666666"] Polling companies are…