SYSH: Black History Month wrap-up

This week’s Songs You Should Hear is a little different.  Given the vast influence the Black community has had on music history, the Catalyst thought it only appropriate to dedicate the last SYSH column in February to Black History Month.   “Describing the African-American influence on…


Songs you should hear: Graduation edition

As the current academic year comes to a fairly unceremonious close, graduating students, who are exiting New College during an unprecedented economic recession, are left wondering what comes next. According to the most recent results of this year’s “First Destination Graduation Survey,” nearly half of…


Songs You Should Hear: Leap Year edition

Celebrate 2020’s extra day and the inevitable passage of time with the Catalyst’s leap year playlist, featuring decade-defining songs selected by New College students of years past. “Purple Haze” by Jimi Hendrix “I was there when the first Jimi Hendrix album came out,” Bruce Allen…