Library coffee machines still unplugged
Noah Baslaw/Catalyst The two coffee machines have remained under the back sheet for a few weeks.

Library coffee machines still unplugged

Noah Baslaw/Catalyst The two coffee machines have remained under the back sheet for a few weeks. The Jane Bancroft Cook Library began offering free coffee from their new Starbucks Serenade™ coffee machines at the café Grand Opening on Sept. 6, 2018. The Library ran the…


Underutilized resources at the library

According to the New College Fact Book, with more than 129,000 visits in 2017 alone the Jane Bancroft Cook Library is a popular resource for students and community members alike. However, according to a poll conducted on the Forum, while some library resources—like the Writing…

Spooky activities at the second annual Library After Dark
photo courtesy of

Spooky activities at the second annual Library After Dark

Tonight, come celebrate Halloween with some spooky activities at the Jane Bancroft Cook Library from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Students are encouraged to wear costumes to this event. Students can enjoy myriad activities throughout the evening. Tasty treats and drinks will be available for free.…

Checking out the changes at the Jane Bancroft Cook Library
photo courtesy of Jane Bancroft Cook Library Concept art of the library from a 2018 presentation

Checking out the changes at the Jane Bancroft Cook Library

Over the summer, a number of renovations were made to the Jane Bancroft Cook Library. These included the installation of a new cafe, a set of new furniture and the removal of nine public computers. The reactions from the student body were mixed. Some students…

Error 404: Computers Not Found
photo courtesy of

Error 404: Computers Not Found

Library Representative and second-year Adam Johnson did not think too much of his job when he was appointed to it. That was, until he saw the changes that occurred inside the Jane Bancroft Cook Library over the summer. Where there are now modular orange chairs…

Library Coffee Bar opens for business
Michala Head/Catalyst Cake was served at the opening celebration.

Library Coffee Bar opens for business

Returning students were met with conspicuous changes to their library, including a new coffee bar. This vision for the Jane Bancroft Cook library was developed by Provost Barbara Feldman. “I want students to spend time in the library studying, collaborating, sharing ideas and all these…