10 questions with Visiting Professor of Music Jose Martinez
The Bogota music scene is known for its variety.

10 questions with Visiting Professor of Music Jose Martinez

The Bogota music scene is known for its variety. Spotlight: Visiting Music Professor Jose Martinez discusses different sound landscapes as a coastal Colombian and metal head  Professor of music, composer and rock music connoisseur Jose Martinez recounts the Rock scene in Bogota and life as…

The WRC’s Thesis Crunch is back, virtually!
Thesis student Carter Delegal crunching away.

The WRC’s Thesis Crunch is back, virtually!

Thesis student Carter Delegal crunching away. With the fall semester in full swing, the WRC has officially launched Thesis Crunch, their annual writing group for thesis students.  “Traditionally, the WRC hosts it in the Spring semester when it’s ‘crunch time’ for thesising students (hence the…

Novos adjust to new classroom settings
Bella Schuler, second-year transfer in her refurbished shed in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Novos adjust to new classroom settings

Schools all over the world are adapting to the new academic year whether it is face-to-face or completely remote. Students, faculty and staff have devoted a great deal of time and energy to welcome the technological changes that COVID-19 has incited in American schooling. Meanwhile,…


Michalson Quotes

For Professor Michalson's retirement, The Catalyst made a Google Form and invited alumni and current students to share any thoughts and memories. Here are some of their stories. Dr. Mike was my first advisor at New College, and played a bigger role than he might…

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New SAC leadership voted in amid budget cuts
The OMR will receive a fresh coat of blue paint as well as chairs and tables in the same style as the new Heiser Natural Sciences Complex furniture.

New SAC leadership voted in amid budget cuts

The Student Allocations Committee (SAC) recently held elections for its two leadership positions: Secretary and Chair. Catalyst editor and second-year Izaya Garrett Miles was voted to be Secretary and thesis student Ormond Derrick was voted to be Chair. “Having been on the SAC since my…