Songs you should hear: World Peace

In the wake of so much tragedy happening throughout the world, it might be nice to think about the good that can exist in the world. These selections reflect artists in search for world peace and love.   “Imagine” by John Lennon This Communist Manifesto…

Which up-and-coming artist may be in your class?
"Without [online platforms,] I feel like people wouldn't be as willing to listen to my music," second-year transfer Kingsley Reeves said.

Which up-and-coming artist may be in your class?

  In the days of The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd and Madonna, music may have been far more difficult to distribute and make accessible to the masses. With the myriad of online platforms,  including SoundCloud -- which is now nearing 300 million users -- platforms…

New Gorillaz album released after 7 years of silence
photo courtesy of

New Gorillaz album released after 7 years of silence

  Gorillaz’ new album is an apocalyptic dance-party playlist inspired by the catastrophic doomsday reality we are now experiencing caused by the new presidency. “Humanz (Deluxe)” runs 26 tracks, six of which are interludes less than a minute in length, with the most guest appearances…

Damn: Kendrick Lamar’s mom-approved album
photo via Wikipedia Commons

Damn: Kendrick Lamar’s mom-approved album

Kendrick Lamar’s mom said this was her son’s best album yet, and I am hardpressed to disagree with that. Damn. came to me in the late night during a thesis crunch at Starbucks. I subscribe to all the major streaming platforms - Spotify, Tidal and…


New songs you should hear

  BY CAITLYN RALPH AND JASMINE RESPESS A lot happens in the music world between the Tangent’s bi-weekly production schedule. While Caitlyn and Jasmine would love to cover it all, they can’t – so, instead, we had them choose their favorite songs released since our…


New songs you should hear

  BY CAITLYN RALPH AND JASMINE RESPESS A lot happens in the music world between the Tangent’s bi-weekly production schedule. While Caitlyn and Jasmine would love to cover it all, they can’t – so, instead, we had them choose their favorite songs released since our…


New songs you should hear

BY CAITLYN RALPH AND JASMINE RESPESS A lot happens in the music world between the Tangent’s bi-weekly production schedule. While Caitlyn and Jasmine would love to cover it all, they can’t – so, instead, we had them choose their favorite songs released since our last…


unmastered, untitlied

  As far as stars go, Kendrick Lamar is one. At this point even if he did not make another album for the rest of his life, he would already be canonized based on “To Pimp a Butterfly” alone. His music is not just good,…