Justicia para trabajadores agricolas: Encuentro 2018
photo courtesy pf the CIW Encuentro students sing and chant at the Wendy's Boycott protest.

Justicia para trabajadores agricolas: Encuentro 2018

Each fall, the annual Encuentro takes place in Immokalee, Florida. Coordinated by the Student Farmworker Alliance (SFA), Encuentro is a gathering of students and organizations from around the country who come to learn about ways to organize protests in their communities and campuses. This year,…

‘Miki Kratsman: People I Met’ at USF Contemporary Art Museum
photo courtesy of Will Lytch Miki Kratsman: People I Met installed at USF Contemporary Art Museum, 2018.

‘Miki Kratsman: People I Met’ at USF Contemporary Art Museum

People I Met is a conceptual mixed-media piece documenting Miki Kratsman's attempt to use Facebook to identify 9,000 Palestinians he took photographs of during his 30 years as a photojournalist for the Israeli newspapers Hadashot and Haaretz. The installation features 2,000 printed portraits hung individually…


Meet an Emotional Support Animal!

Turtle Spiliadis Age: 1 yr old DOB: 6/27/16 Zodiac sign: Cancer Weight: 10.5 lbs Species: Dog Breed: Labradoodle Fun fact: When she sees a baby, she crawls towards them on her stomach so she doesn't scare them and licks their feet.        …



Students started gathering at College Hall as the sun was setting to celebrate New Prom 2017 - Enchanted Masquerade. New Prom is an annual Resident Advisor (RA) event. This year it was hosted by second-years Jennifer Ha, Devin Johnson Hogan, Mackenna Jensen, Riley Lewis, Eleni…

‘We’ll see you at the movies!’ Sarasota Film Festival  kicks-off more inclusive and diverse films and audience
Marketing Director Ali Vallarta closed her speech by thanking the audience for attending. "Without you, our theatres would be dark. We'll see you at the movies!"

‘We’ll see you at the movies!’ Sarasota Film Festival kicks-off more inclusive and diverse films and audience

Pint-sized reporters, chicken and waffles and anticipation filled the air at the 2017 Sarasota Film Festival press event. The Sarasota Film Festival (SFF) hosted a press event on March 13 to celebrate the release of the final film program for this year’s events. The event…