Submission: the ethics of escalation
photo courtesy of Michael Miller/Flickr

Submission: the ethics of escalation

Submitted by Isaac Denner A few weeks ago, an incident occurred in Palm Court. A student and a police officer got into an argument about another student, who, the cop claimed, had been concealing an alcoholic beverage. The first student was handcuffed.   The entire…


Been there, done that

A column answering real questions based on personal experiences By Sydney Rosenthal I just started seeing someone and I am really unsure sometimes. I go through these cycles of overthinking and worrying that make me cry and need space from him or want to end…


Been there, done that

The NEW New College advice column By Sydney Rosenthal Question:How do you restore a close friendship after cutting off all communication for a period of time? I picked this question because this is something that I’ve been contemplating myself. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year,…

A submission from NCF’s Chief Diversity Officer
photo courtesy of Bill Woodson Woodson will bring his expertise down to Sarasota on Feb. 25.

A submission from NCF’s Chief Diversity Officer

Hello Novos! My name is Bill Woodson. I use the pronouns he, him, himself. The culture of pronouns is relatively new for me. Imagine that—the school’s new Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) is new to preferred pronouns. Maybe instead of new, I should say it feels…

The Borgen Project
this is the image the website upload when the author didn't send a photo in with their story.

The Borgen Project

Submitted by Cassandra Parvaz Last summer, I was looking for an internship program. I was aiming for something that would allow me to help people by writing. One of the internships that New College of Florida recommended was the Borgen Project’s internship program. The Borgen…


Past music of NCF

photo courtesy of Jenna CourtadeThis is an image of a set-list by DJ Jesse DeWitt from March 19th, 1998, showing doodles and the general layout of a set-list. Now that spring semester is in full swing, it is time to bring out those playlists that…

From New York to Paris : the Museum of Modern Art celebrates its history with a Parisian exhibition co-organized with the Foundation Louis Vuitton
(Photos courtesy of Audrey Warne) Le faux miroir, an oil on canvas piece from 1928, by Belgian painter and surrealist René Magritte.

From New York to Paris : the Museum of Modern Art celebrates its history with a Parisian exhibition co-organized with the Foundation Louis Vuitton

SUBMISSION by Audrey Warne The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York and the Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris have co-organized an exhibition entitled “Être moderne : le MoMA à Paris” (which translates to “Being Modern : the MoMA in Paris”) which showcases over…