Rocky Horror production entertains

Individuals decked in an assortment of Halloween costumes slowly trickled into HCL 8 last Friday night, lipstick smeared on their cheeks in preparation for the upcoming “virgin games.” Yes, alumni weekend has come and gone, along with the yearly revival of Rocky Horror Picture Show.…


Black Box receives new technical director

This past September New College welcomed alum Monica Cross ('06) as the new technical  director of the black box theater (BBT). This is a new position that marks the first time that there will be someone dedicated to the theater for an entire year. Cross…


Efforts to improve retention yielding positive results

By Colt Dodd In the wake of the disappointing results of last year’s college scorecard which culminated in the loss of $1,080,000 in funding, the administration is hoping to increase this year’s score by improving the school’s retention rate. Statistics gathered from the registrar’s office…


Students gather for ISP workshop

Last Wednesday saw a conglomeration of students in Sudakoff for the ISP workshop. Mostly first-years and second-years with the occasional upper year, all were in a January state of mind, ready for information and much anticipated Group ISP details. The session began with Dean of…


Vandalism in Ham Center poses safety concerns

In response to a string of vandalism, Hamilton “Ham” Center was closed during the early mornings over fall break. Numerous discussions among the Dean of Student Affairs Tracy Murray, campus police and the New College Student Alliance (NCSA) led to the closing of Ham, which,…