Transgender Awareness Week observed

41 percent of trans people attempt suicide. For the general population, that number is 1.6 percent. Trans people are four times more likely to live in a household with less than $10,000 a year of annual income than the general population. 57 percent report serious…


Who needs feminism?

For the third year in a row Resident Advisors (RAs) have held a New College Needs Feminism photo-shoot with an impressive turnout. Originally started in 2012 by thesis student Skylar Ead, the event was continued this year by RAs Amanda Bragg and Kaylie Stokes. Over…


Second Court lounge closed to residents

Residents of second court stood back appalled at the closing of their lounge: a place where many students, not just second court residents, could congregate, study, cook and bond. It is a place that was recently decorated in student artwork, creating a welcoming and friendly…


Santos talks goals after presidential victory

By Leigh Barber With the Late-Fall New College Student Alliance (NCSA) elections finished, second-year Carlos Santos has emerged as the NCSA’s newest president. With a total of 360 ballots cast, Santos secured 178 of the votes, receiving more than half of the first-choice ballots cast,…


Metz kitchen opens with new options

By Colt Dodd After nearly three months of construction, the interior Metz kitchen opened to the student body last week and was met with mostly positive feedback. Metz Culinary Management, the new food service provider that replaced the long running Sodexo earlier this semester, is…


Blanch visits

Dr. Andrea Blanch, President and Director of the Center for Religious Tolerance (CRT), visited on Nov. 20 in Sudakoff to discuss interfaith peacebuilding in Israel and Palestine. The presentation was part of several events, including an international wellness potluck and a global map activity that…


Peace, love, music: Newstock

Newstock, New College’s annual salute to Woodstock, took place this past Saturday on Z-Green. The groups that performed covered everything from rock to jazz to alternative electronic music. Newstock is an Resident Advisor (RA) sponsored event, overseen this year by Residence Hall Director Lauren Burr.…


Thesis art show displays students work

By Colt Dodd Amid light conversation, Exposure, a thesis student art exhibition, opened in the Iserman Gallery last Thursday and will run until Dec. 11. Featuring the work of eight artists, exhibits of all different mediums ranging from oil paintings to animation were put in…