Russian Tsarlag, others perform at BBT

All photos Skylar Ead/Catalyst With a backdrop of the rolling click-clack sounds and the eerie white glow of an old-fashioned movie projector, Boulders, the opening act for Russian Tsarlag, performed for an audience in the New College Black Box Theater on April 17. Thesis student…


Arkansas strikes down gay adoption ban

On April 7 Arkansas’ Supreme Court unanimously struck down a law passed by over 57 percent of voters, banning cohabiting adults—most notably cohabiting homosexual adults—from becoming foster parents. The state’s highest court ruled that fundamental right of privacy of the individuals in consideration were at…


Ink safety: amateur tattooing and health risks

photo courtesy of Anamaria Husar Husar's tattoo, which she received while still underage. A year and a half ago, a group of USF students gathered together to cement their friendship in one of the most permanent ways possible. Each of them wanted a tattoo, and they decided…


GDC hosts "Women in Religion" dialogue

In the Gender and Diversity Center (GDC) off to the side of the Hamilton “Ham” Center, on March 29, a group of interested staff and students, consisting of Catholics, Jews and godless alike, joined together to discuss a topic important to them, women in religion,…


New College 2012 admissions process begins

As the spring 2011 semester draws to a close, the work has only just begun for New College’s Office of Admissions. With not only recruitment needs to be met but retention rates to be upheld as well, the end of one school year is only…


Andrea Gibson performs, lectures on campus

photo courtesy of Andrea Gibson, politically active writer and poet. “I'll start by telling you about some things I believe in, and what I believe is that we are all good people” were the words spoken by renowned spoken word artist Andrea Gibson to…


NCF Craigslist debuts

The need to monitor forum traffic was the inspiration behind third-year Rose Marz and thesis student Chelsea Montgomery's plan for a New College version of Craigslist. The New College Craigslist (NCC) will take the form of a newsletter to be sent out once a month…


Budget gaps lead to massive teacher terminations

In a move that shocked the nation, termination notices have been sent out to all 1,926 teachers in the Providence, R.I. school district, effective at the end of this school year. This announcement came on Feb. 22 from the Providence Public School Department (PPSD) Superintendent…


New College presents new Acapellagos

New College's resident a capella group, Acapellago, recently held auditions to replenish its dwindling numbers as former members traded singing stardom for more studious endeavors. Although there is debate as to when the group was created, the general consensus is that the student-run initiative has…


LGBT-friendly church subject of thesis research

Whether one is a devoted fan of William Shakespeare or has only been exposed to the work of “the Bard” in a terribly dull high school English class’ languid crawl through Romeo and Juliet, the critically-acclaimed American Shakespeare Center (ASC) promises a greatly entertaining show…