SYSH: 2020 Survival Mode

This year has been stressful politically and emotionally with the coming presidential election and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and the adjustments to daily life, but one way that Catalyst staff members have kept their heads above water by listening to music. The following are the…

SCCHP addresses rampant housing inequality amidst public health crisis
While last year's winter break housing options were born out of necessity for select students, they are now available this year to anyone unable to return home for any reason.

SCCHP addresses rampant housing inequality amidst public health crisis

Last spring, campus abruptly closed forcing students to find quick housing alternatives. The Student Coalition for Combating Homelessness and Poverty (SCCHP) ensures that housing and other necessities are readily available to everyone at New College. The co-presidents of SCCHP, thesis students Liz Bowerfind and Carter…

Swim club is back: at a distance
Anyone swimming laps is not required to wear a mask.

Swim club is back: at a distance

Anyone swimming laps is not required to wear a mask. Due to the pandemic, campus saw numerous changes made to daily student life and clubs were no exception. The swim club in particular made a few adjustments to meet current Centers for Disease Control and…


Kissing Unconditional Surrender goodbye

As one of the most eye-catching sites in Sarasota, the “Unconditional Surrender” statue is well-known and controversial. When the city announced on September 20 that it would be relocated to construct a roundabout at the bustling downtown intersection where stands, many Sarasotans were unhappy, while…

New College and the new age pagan community
Caccavo moved to Los Angeles, California shortly after her graduation in 2019.

New College and the new age pagan community

The world is warming up to the inclusion of new-age witches in popular culture. Though the initial inclusion was merely aesthetic, it has expanded to include witches and pagans who established their practices as a response to socio-political movements and because of the space witchcraft…