Too many students, not enough counselors
Sign at the Counseling and Wellness Center front desk. Photo by Naomi Nerlien.

Too many students, not enough counselors

The Counseling and Wellness Center (CWC) serves New College by providing therapy and medical services to students. The center also holds events throughout the semester that help students establish wellness principles in their own routines. A mission such as this requires a team behind it,…

Baker beware: CDC investigating flour-related Salmonella outbreak
No specific brand of flour has been linked to the Salmonella outbreak, and the investigation is still underway as of Mar. 30. Photo courtesy of

Baker beware: CDC investigating flour-related Salmonella outbreak

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has launched an investigation into contaminated flour across the United States. Between December and February, 12 people across 11 states were diagnosed with Salmonella bacteria after consuming raw batter containing flour. While the CDC has not limited the contaminated…

Red tide advisory back in select Sarasota beaches
A photo of the shoreline at Lido Beach taken in January, when the red tide advisory for the area was still recent. Photo taken by Brynn Halpern

Red tide advisory back in select Sarasota beaches

The red tide advisory—originally put in place on Dec. 28, 2022—was finally lifted from all 16 Sarasota County beaches On Mar. 24, deeming the southwest coast safe for visitors…only to be put back in place for select beaches one week later on Mar. 30. The…

CDC warns of Candida auris, deadly fungus spreading in Florida
A microscopic image of Candida auris. Photo taken by Dr. Farzana Hossain (Flickr).

CDC warns of Candida auris, deadly fungus spreading in Florida

The COVID-19 virus has dominated the national media for years, but in its wake, another deadly disease has gained traction in the United States that has not received nearly as much coverage. Candida auris—a fungal infection that, according to the Center for Disease Control and…

2022-2023 flu season projected to be the worst one in years
A close-up shot of a health worker injecting a patient with a vaccine. (Credit: SHVETS Production)

2022-2023 flu season projected to be the worst one in years

In the past two years, flu rates had decreased due to mitigation strategies put in place for the coronavirus pandemic. But people should expect some changes for the 2022-2023 flu season, which won’t follow the same trend according to experts.  Australia’s most recent flu season…

Effects of microplastics on human health: an exigent question with few answers
CNN estimates that, globally, we ingest 5 grams of plastic every week, the equivalent of a credit card. Photo courtesy of Flickr.

Effects of microplastics on human health: an exigent question with few answers

There is a lot of plastic in the world. Since 1950, more than 7,800 million tonnes of plastic have been produced, generating 6,300 million tonnes of waste, of which approximately 9% was recycled, according to Life. Plastic waste has its own host of issues, but…

New College reports first positive COVID-19 case this semester
The college has designated several individual dorms for mandated quarantines, such as this room in the Pei residence halls.

New College reports first positive COVID-19 case this semester

Six weeks into the first full semester during the COVID-19 pandemic, the inevitable happened: the first positive case of COVID-19 was reported for the academic year on Tuesday, September 29. College officials remain tight-lipped on details about this case and would not disclose whether the…

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In the midst of COVID-19, flu shots are more important than ever
Flu shots will also help prevent any unnecessary ICU hospitalizations. Saving resources and space for COVID-19 patients.

In the midst of COVID-19, flu shots are more important than ever

Flu shots will also help prevent any unnecessary ICU hospitalizations. Saving resources and space for COVID-19 patients. In the last six months, the COVID-19 pandemic uprooted the world’s daily lifestyle, drastically altering the way people work, study and socialize. While concerns of the contagious respiratory…


5 big questions for the FBI director nominee

[vc_row][vc_column width="1/3"][rs_special_text tag="div" align="left" font_weight="700" font_size="20px" line_height="1.5em" font_color="#0a0a0a"]Story Highlights[/rs_special_text][rs_space lg_device="10" md_device="" sm_device="" xs_device=""][rs_special_text tag="div" align="left" font_weight="700" font_size="16px" line_height="1.5em" font_color="#666666"] French voters will head to the polls Sunday in race between Macron [/rs_special_text][rs_space lg_device="5" md_device="" sm_device="" xs_device=""][rs_special_text tag="div" align="left" font_weight="700" font_size="16px" line_height="1.5em" font_color="#666666"] Polling companies are…