Title IX, a federal civil right law passed in 1972, stands to prohibit sex-based discrimination within education settings. A newly presented opportunity, New College Title IX Coordinator Taylor Parker-Sellick (‘14) is taking on thesis student Telle Fugett as a student intern, a position which evolved from Fugett’s involvement in a pre-law tutorial.
“I was extremely excited when I heard a student in our pre-law tutorial was interested in Title IX law,” Parker-Sellick said. “I reached out to her to ask how I could facilitate her interests in Title IX, and this internship developed from it!”
A former New College student herself, Parker-Sellick completed an ISP surrounding Title IX topics before attending Stetson University College of Law.
By applying current student-perspective in the Title IX office, Fugett hopes to serve as a peer advocate. The internship will revolve around outreach programming for students on campus and include a heavy reading component that familiarizes itself with various regulations, case law and expert treatises among other things related to Title IX.
“I was excited to hear that the Title IX office is working on inclusivity and intersectionality within the Title IX process,” Fugett said. “I think it is also important for students to know that Taylor is an incredible student resource. She is an inviting and comforting person to talk to about any issue you may be having on campus. Ensuring your self autonomy and empowerment is her utmost priority. I am so grateful to learn from her and look forward to learning more about the intricacies of being a Title IX Deputy Officer in higher education.”