Community meeting addresses affordable housing

  With more than a thousand homeless people counted on a given night in Sarasota, the community has rallied around a few buzzwords. “Enablement,” “come as you are” and “93 percent” are on the lips of everyone arguing for and against the various solutions for…


Tattoo shops offer cheap ink on Friday the 13th

    Every Friday the 13th, many New College students have something other than bad luck on their minds: tattoos. For this classic tradition, tattoo parlors offer a $13 special, attracting massive crowds and waiting lists that stretch back hours. Attendees pick from a large…


Sarasota sees record tourism; traffic increases

  In 2014, Florida broke tourism records attracting more than 97.3 million tourists. Sarasota alone increased its tourism population to 929,000, 5.2 percent more than the year before. When tourism increases, the economy booms, jobs are created and businesses flourish. Unfortunately, there is a catch.…


SUBMISSION: An open letter to the Sarasota Community

Guest Contribution by Jeremy Weir Alderson Creator of the Homelessness Marathon The Homelessness Marathon was a 14-hour live broadcast aired at WSLR 96.5FM on Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2014. It aimed to bring the voices of Sarasota's homeless to the forefront of the discussion on homelessness. Starting on…


Ferguson Protest held in Sarasota

Immediately after the controversial verdict where police officer, Darren Wilson, was not convicted for the shooting of Michael Brown, the internet blew up. In mere seconds, statuses were updated, messages were sent and event invites were accepted for the next course of action: protest. That…


Sand sculpting competition raises money for Mote

This year’s Crystal Classics sand sculpting competition was held at Siesta Key with Mote Marine as the event’s beneficiary. Hundreds of people enjoyed the velvety sand and the plethora of tents selling beer and crafts while the smooth, white sculptures loomed against the horizon.  Starting…


Chalk this way: The International Chalk Festival

From 28 different countries, artists traveled to Venice, Fla. to participate in the annual International Chalk Festival. Remaining on their hands and knees for several hours on end, artists created breath-taking pieces of artwork under the sun. By the end of the day, every artist…