Submitted by Anna Wright
It is difficult to work from home.
There is little incentive to put on clothes
Or get out of bed just to sit in a sunken chair
Or eat
I am depressed. And anxious,
As if there are little cameras here watching
And I have to be continuously working in order to live up to my pay.
But then, sometimes I think about how much time I waste
In the office, with talking, and walking, and driving.
And then I don’t feel too bad about taking more frequent breaks.
Still, I am a public servant.
It is hard to work from home and separate work from home.
I am surrounded by chores I would rather be doing—and sometimes do.
And now, I have run out of pressing things to complete.
Working up the integrity and motivation to keep going on is more difficult than I
I don’t feel very essential.
Still, I work.