New College of Florida’s Windmill Theatre Company presents nightnight at 8 p.m. September 24th and 25th, at 8:30 p.m. Saturday the 26th, and at 2 p.m. on Sunday the 27th at the New College Black Box Theater, on campus. This piece is co-directed by third year student, Logan Schulman and thesis student, Michael Valdez; similarly all of the performers are New College students.
In nightnight, written by Lucas Hnath, three scientists are trapped in a single-cabin space shuttle together for a six month mission. They each have their own ideas of what it means to be an astronaut, and each will do whatever they feel necessary to reap the glory that comes with that title. Nightnight explores our deepest understandings of ego, anxiety, the failures of language, and the hopelessness of loneliness. This piece attempts at a breakage from our ideas of theatrical space and time, and in doing so, enables the audience to take the adventurous ascent — or maybe descent — out into the unknown, along with our heroic cosmonauts. Nightnight portrays some of the hardest ethical choices humans could have to make, and will force the audience to decide if they would do the same, or if they even could.
The Windmill Theatre Company’s production of nightnight on September 24th through September 27th in the Black Box Theatre is a free performance and open to the public, with a suggested donation at the door of $10. Space is limited. If you would like to reserve seats, please email the the Box Office at
Follow the Windmill Theatre Company on Facebook and Tumblr for more information about our Fall 2015 Season’s offerings. The season continues after nightnight, with Little Nightmares, a Thesis Play written and directed by McAlister Grant, and an adaptation of Tam Lin adapted and directed by Samantha Sanford.