Second-years Martha “Liz” Gibbons and Catherine “Cat” Olson have started up the Speak Easy Theatre Company this semester. Speak Easy is based upon the LAByrinth theatre company, which prides itself on expanding mainstream theatre and creating a venue for actors, playwrights and directors to express their creativity in an uninhibited atmosphere.
Gibbons and Olson said that the Speak Easy will operate on a horizontal power distribution in which power and authority in the troop will be spread among group members rather than one sole leader. Gibbons and Olson said that their role in the company will be strictly organizational and bureaucratic. They will be responsible for reserving the Black Box Theatre (BBT) and filling out forms necessary to run Speak Easy, which was designed to be a community-based acting company and provide an avenue for students to create their own theatre pieces, hone their talents and organize performances.
The troupe meets every Sunday at 8:00 p.m. in the BBT and newcomers are welcome.