Something Wicked This Way Came


Photo credit: Caitlyn Ralph
Palm Court was shrouded in black tarp to create a maze-like dance space.

The Something Wicked this Way Comes Center of the Universe Party (COUP) took place on November 7, 2015. The event was hosted by thesis students Garrett Murto, Lara Grauerholz-Fisher, Logan Starnes, and Catalyst writer Bianca Benedi. From the lo-fi bedroom pop of the Old Mail Room to the bass-heavy beats in the BBT, there was something for everyone – including the hundreds of guests and the few townies that may or may not have gotten past the ever-vigilant campus police. The night took a grim turn towards the beginning of the evening, with a whole section of dorms lacking air conditioning and a broken water system in Ham, but the event coordinators were quick to set up free beverage stands throughout campus. SSDP worked to set up a relaxing safe-space in the prayer and meditation room for those in need of a less-stimulating environment.

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