The Something Wicked this Way Comes Center of the Universe Party (COUP) took place on November 7, 2015. The event was hosted by thesis students Garrett Murto, Lara Grauerholz-Fisher, Logan Starnes, and Catalyst writer Bianca Benedi. From the lo-fi bedroom pop of the Old Mail Room to the bass-heavy beats in the BBT, there was something for everyone – including the hundreds of guests and the few townies that may or may not have gotten past the ever-vigilant campus police. The night took a grim turn towards the beginning of the evening, with a whole section of dorms lacking air conditioning and a broken water system in Ham, but the event coordinators were quick to set up free beverage stands throughout campus. SSDP worked to set up a relaxing safe-space in the prayer and meditation room for those in need of a less-stimulating environment.