On Wed. May 2, spoken word poet Anis Mojgani will once again entertain the New College community with his soulful and empowered lyrics. Mojgani, who first came to campus in Februrary 2011, is a two-time National Poetry Slam Champion, a National Book Award Nominee and winner of the International World Cup Poetry Slam. He was originally approached by then first-years Michael Long and Caroline “Taylor” Rothenberg, and it was Rothenberg who searched for the funding to bring him back again.
According to Rothenberg, Mojgani “reached out to [her]” and asked if he could return to New College.
“He contacted [me], which was really cool,” Rothenberg explained. “He said, ‘Hey, I really want to come back — let’s start talking, let’s make this happen.’”
Rothenberg received the majority of the funding for Mojgani’s visit from the Council of Academic Affairs’ speaker budget, but also received a small stipend from the Student Allocations Committee.
“I’m stoked,” Rothenberg said. “He’s such a normal guy. Last time he was here, we went out with him and ate French fries, which was really cool to me because in one of his poems he talks about how everybody likes French fries, and I shared French fries with him!”
Mojgani will be performing in the Teaching Auditorium at 7:00 p.m., with the doors opening at 6:30 p.m. Four New College student poets — third-year Kelly Dwyer, first-year Hannah Schroer and second-years Kyla Stevens and Amanda Wilson — will open for him.
Information in this article came from http://thepianofarm.com/