In response to the recent tragic events on campus, an educational program aims to facilitate dialogue on the emotional state of members of the community. Good Grief: A facilitated healing program to promote working through the stages of grief, was held Sept. 10 in Hamilton “Ham” Center at 5:30 p.m.
“This isn’t necessarily about grief counseling,” Health Educator Mandy Parente said. Parente hosted the event in partnership with the Counseling and Wellness Center (CWC). “This is about recognizing what the stages of grief are, something that ignites the ‘Oh, this is what I’m doing and this makes sense now and this is why I’m doing it. Let me process this a little more’”.
The event consisted of different stations that contained different activities each centered on explaining the stages of grief. One stage, anger, was exhibited through a yelling activity while the stage denial was showcased through an exercise using a peval. Participants were also free to move from station to station whenever they wanted to.
“One [reason] is that not everybody goes through grief the same way,” Parente added. “And grief is an umbrella term but it’s not one thing. Grief is so many different things. And sometimes you’re in one stage for years and you don’t realize it. I really wanted to give students the autonomy to float through different stations in a way that felt organized to them.”
Parente plans to make the program an ongoing event on campus, its sequel is tentatively set for the following school year. This event will be followed by other activities that aim to bring back a sense of safety and belonging in the community.