“No glass containers.” “All guests must have a visitor’s pass.” “Be courteous and respectful of others.” These are all rules that New College students have drilled into them from day one. However, some argue that a visual reminder is necessary for those who are new or forget these important rules.
Recently, an old sign was discovered that was intended to be put up in Palm Court. In addition to clearly stating the three aforementioned rules, it also provides contact information for campus police. The student who found the sign proposed putting it up in Palm Court. Since then, putting signs in Palm Court has become a hot topic of debate for many students.
New College Student Alliance (NCSA) co-president and second-year Michael Long was surprised that the signs became a big issue for students.
“I think it’s pretty petty,” he said. “The reason some people don’t like them is that they’re not aesthetically pleasing. They look like pool signs – they have that kind of feel to them. And obviously, the reason that people wanted to put them up was to make people aware that you shouldn’t have glass in Palm Court – and that’s really the extent of it, that I’m aware of.”
However, it is also argued that the sign could help enforce the Palm Court regulations in order to prevent injury, among other possibilities. While the signs are unpopular with many students, it’s also true that the Palm Court regulations aren’t upheld all the time.
“I think that what the Palm Court signs are trying to accomplish is a good idea – people shouldn’t have glass in Palm Court and people cut their feet up all the time,” Long said. “But I think formally-made signs are unnecessary. Students need to just come together, maybe by using some spray paint and poster board, something with a more artistic design that a student made.”
In the end, though, student approval will be crucial in deciding what will happen to the signs.
“At the end of the day, if the students don’t want signs in Palm Court, they won’t do it,” Long stated.