Attendees of the most recent New Topics New College presentation “Our Bodies, Ourselves: Four and a Half Decades of Advancing Women’s Health and Human Rights,” walked away with a vast amount of knowledge on one of the most significant books on women’s health in existence.
“Our Bodies, Ourselves” is an informative handbook that discusses a wide range of topics including safe sex, body image and reproduction. It includes many diagrams and charts to clearly present the information its readers. The book was published when many women were taught to be ashamed about their female health concerns. It has educated generations of women about their bodies — empowering them to take charge of personal health.
New College’s Counseling and Wellness Center (CWC) has found that some first-year students are not as educated on different birth control methods as they should be.
Inspired by the book and it’s vision for educating women about their bodies. The Catalyst has summarized some of the most frequently used birth control methods from the “Our Bodies, Ourselves” book to feature them in our female bodies spread.