A little extra money is not something that many college students would easily pass up. A bank account is like the top of an hourglass: slowly but surely, it drains away. Many students would be interested in a job, and even better if it’s on campus, especially for students with limited transportation options.
One of the most common jobs on campus is to be a Teacher’s Assistant (TA) for a course. TAs will often help grade assignments or hold extra study sessions outside of class. Some professors may reach out for a TA, or some will offer a position if approached about it. The details of each position, as well as if they are even offering one, are up to the professor.
Other positions offered on campus will be posted on the Handshake website, which can be accessed through the myNCF portal. There are plenty of different offices on campus and each requires different duties. After making an account on Handshake students can apply to any of the open positions on campus, as well as some promoted off-campus positions. Whether Admissions or Physical Plant is looking for a student to hire, they will post it on Handshake.