New College boasts myriad clubs: the website proudly claims over 60 clubs are in operation and the directory nears this aspirational number with 42 clubs listed, only a few of which are defunct. However, if none of the clubs present interest a student, or they simply no longer exist, a few friends and half an hour to fill out the forms is all it takes to start a new one.
On Novoconnect, which can be accessed through the myNCF portal, there is a far more complete list of clubs and club contacts. Under the organizations tab, next to the list of student organizations, is a button offering to “register an organization.” Clicking this button will lead to a form, with spaces to fill out a club’s name, website, contact information and description. After placing the club in one of seven broad categories, the organizer is obliged to upload a Constitution for the club. Finally, the organizer must upload a roster of students who have expressed interest. To meet the minimum requirement to become an organization, the club must have five or more members.
While not part of the official registration process, it is also important to secure an actual meeting space. First, look on the ‘WebEMS’ site on the myNCF portal, which will have a ‘locations’ tab which will show all the scheduled rooms for the immediate future. After finding a space and time that is open, go back to Novoconnect and fill out the “Meeting Request Form.” Now that the club is registered and the meeting place is secured, the club is left with the far more difficult problem of getting people to attend.