In the fall of 2020, the current NCSA President, second-year Sofia Lombardi was elected to her first term, winning over two candidates, third-year Izaya Garrett Miles and third-year Rhys Shanahan. In the spring of 2021, Lombardi ran for reelection, and this time, no challengers were to be found.
“Learning that I was running unopposed was surprising to me at first,” Lombardi said. “I expected to go through the same process of campaigning and debating. After some time, I felt like it was comforting, because it was a signal that the students trusted me to take on another term.”
Becoming a two-term president is no small feat. No one runs unopposed without reason. The road to reelection had to be paved somehow.
“I’m planning on continuing to strengthen the cabinet’s student outreach,” Lombardi explained. “The cabinet has been doing a great job, but I think we can make some more efforts like sending more emails to students, starting more forums and expanding office hours.”
Additionally, Lombardi plans on continuing endeavors in limiting the COVID-19 presence on campus.
“Vaccines have been made available recently at the University of South Florida (USF),” Lombardi noted. “I hope we can divert some of those resources to make vaccines available to New College students before the end of the spring.”
Furthermore, Lombardi plans to keep focusing on the issue of campus transparency.
“Reinforcing the campus transparency initiative we’ve started since last semester is important to me,” Lombardi mentioned. “I want to be as open with student input as possible.”
Lombardi’s second term is poised to be a reincarnation of her last, focusing on student engagement and safety, as well as ensuring that voices are heard.