Even with the new academic center scheduled to open this summer, little will change concerning on-campus parking for the upcoming academic year.
“The new building will not be opening up any new parking,” said Mike Olson, coordinator of parking services. “But when the Ajax construction company moves their equipment and trailers, we will be able to offer parking in the North Bay Shore lot.” Located just north of the new building near the campus bookstore, this gravel lot will offer parking closer to the library.
Before construction began on the academic building, there were 41 parking spaces available outside of the Jane Bancroft Cook Library for those students, faculty, and staff with general parking passes. Those spots became unavailable at the start of the 2010-2011 school year when bulldozers and steamrollers took moved in as construction started in full swing. Plans for additional parking were not included in the construction.
“We lost the 41 spaces in the lot near the library, but by opening up the lot that’s now in use by the construction company, we’ll be able to open up about another 40 spaces,” Olson said.
After last year’s increase in parking fees, students may be pleased to hear that there will be no further increases. Typically, around 450 students register for parking each semester. General parking passes will be available for $75 for the full year. This pass enables students to park anywhere on the east and west sides of campus. For those interested in a cheaper parking alternative, passes for the value lot will be available again for the upcoming year. For only $25 for the entire academic year, students can park their cars in the lot near the Shell gas station on the northeast side of campus.
There is a third parking option for in-state students that want the privilege of a general parking pass. “For around $30 more in yearly fees than a regular in-state license plate, students can get a state-issued New College of Florida license plate,” Olson said. Students that obtain an NCF license plate do not have to pay for their yearly parking passes, but still have to register their vehicle with the school and obtain a blue hang-tag. “The actual cost depends on a number of factors though and can vary for each student depending on where the student lives and their birth date. Both affect the cost of registration.”
Of the yearly fees, $25 goes to the New College Foundation. “That money gets used in a number of ways,” Olson said. “There are a few specific uses for the funds, like student scholarships.”
So whether students choose value or general parking passes, they can rest easy knowing that they won’t have to dig any deeper in their pockets to have a vehicle on campus next year.
“We’re glad to report that there are no changes,” Olson said. “We try not to shock the students every year.”