As the years go by at New College, people continue to lose their things, items are found, and stuff is turned into the Cop Shop. Although a lot of items are claimed, many wallets, trinkets and even bikes are left behind. Eventually, these items take up too much space, and something must be done. On Oct. 26, the Cop Shop held an auction in the parking lot of Physical Plant. The auction started at 9:00 a.m. and ended at 1 p.m. The goal was to get rid of the clutter and provide students with reasonably priced items.
“It was first come, first serve,” Officer Kelly Fisher said. “In the morning, we had about 20 bikes.” Other items sold at the auction include men’s watches, rings and wallets. The auction was cash only, but no items exceeded $20.
All the unsold bikes were donated to the New College Bike Shoppe. The bikes averaged at about $10. Students could barter auction style if there was more than one person interested, but Fisher said that this was not a common occurrence. Most students got the bikes they wanted.
By the end of the auction, some bikes were selling for as low as $5. Second-year transfer student Emily Steen purchased a red bike for $5.35. “My experience [with the auction] was enjoyable,” Steen said.
Students are encouraged to register their bikes through the New College Cop Shop, so that if they are lost, they can be returned to the student effectively and promptly.
More information can be provided by Kelley Fisher at kfisher@ncf.edu or 941-487-4210.