As commencement nears and many students prepare to say their farewells to New College, another heavy class prepares to roll into the school. Out of 1049 admits, 63% of which were from Florida and 37% out-of-state, 213 have so far enrolled or deposited at NCF, wherein 81% of which are from Florida and 19% out-of-state. Of the 213 enrolled students, 8.5% are transfer students and 91.5% are first-time college students. When it comes to the racial makeup of the deposited/enrolling admits, 31.4% are underrepresented – including 22.5% Hispanic, 5.2% Asian, and 3.7% Black/African American – 65.3% are white, and 3.3% unknown. While the numbers are incomplete as of now, 0% of the incoming class are either American Indian/Alaskan Natives or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander.