On Mar. 5, Student Activities and Campus Engagement (SAUCE) hosted a Late Night Club Carnival from 9 p.m. to midnight, a massive club festival that featured 16 different on-campus clubs. Highlights included the Bull Shark Dive Club’s dive tank, a face painting station and the improv games run by the student-run Windmill Theater Company. Club carnivals are a time honored tradition, and for anybody hoping to join (or start) a club, it’s a great way to gauge what kind of organizations we have available on campus.
For anybody in their first semester, the long roster of active to primarily dormant clubs can be hard to really chomp at, so the Late Night Club Carnival was a great way to showcase which clubs are active and available for new members. First-year Braedan Stuart, and soon-to-be founder of a club of his own, seemed energized by the experience.
“It’s just, like, really cool out here,” Stuart said of the carnival. “Good to get a grasp of what we’re supposed to be doing when we start [his own] club.”