A throng of sea-fairing adventurers turned out on April 16 at the sail club for free food, live music, and piles of cardboard lured students down to compete in the annual cardboard regatta. Nine boats were built in the course of four hours with stomachs full of potato salad and hamburgers, to the sounds of the band Physical Plant playing to the sea with Caples as its backdrop. When it came time to compete the, now ten pound heavier, teams line up to wait for the bullhorn that would begin the race to prove their creations of cardboard and Duck Tape. It began, and the water was in turmoil with melting cardboard, swimming bodies, and pirates abound aiming to bring the passing boats as low as theirs. Only one boat made it back to shore, mine, The Watery Grave (manned by this reporter) flopped to shore intact likely only because it was covered in Duck Tape, its crew exuberant to disprove the critics and even the name of our creation.