The Holiday Craft Fair, hosted by thesis student Jackie Lebouitz, will bring together student artists and patrons alike on Dec. 7 in the Nook, outside the Old Mail Room.
“With the holidays coming up, there’s no doubt in my mind that people are going to be buying presents for their family and friends,” Lebouitz said in an email interview. “I think giving them a chance to buy from students makes everyone a winner.”
Lebouitz was inspired by the DIY Zine, Art & Music Fest hosted by the NCF Zine Collective last spring.
“It was my first time tabling, and I just remember wanting to desperately do it again as soon as possible,” Lebouitz said.
According to Lebouitz, there are 12 student vendors signed up so far, including herself. There will be “a lot of handmade things for sale,” including “self-care items (like lotions, soaps, etc.), accessories, prints, stickers and food.” Each student will have a table to sell their goods at.
Lebouitz said the fair was “sort of my own idea,” but that she has been getting positive reception and help with organizing, and that putting together the event has been “pretty doable so far.”
Most importantly, Lebouitz hopes this fair will inspire student artists.
“When someone buys your art, it’s kind of like they’re approving your vision,” Lebouitz said. “It’s a very validating experience, and I want other New College students to feel like they can be artistically vulnerable and get rewarded for it.”
The Holiday Craft Fair will take place Friday, Dec. 7 in the Nook from 4 p.m. until 8 p.m.