Members of the New College community gather to participate in Feminist Fridays, an initiative that aims to create a regular and informal space for intellectual exchange by viewing a variety of topics through a feminist lens. Feminist Fridays occur nearly every Friday from 12-1 p.m. in ACE Lounge.
“Student suggestions are very welcome, and can range from proposing a topic to suggesting particular presenters.”
“I think that there are a lot of things, whether new or old, that students can get excited about in terms of this semester’s Feminist Fridays,” wrote Professor of Art History and Affiliate of the Gender Studies program Katherine Brion in an email interview. “Some of the topics coming up this semester include Reading While Trans, featuring the poet and critic Cameron Awkward-Rich and the audio producer, writer, and researcher Cassius Adair; a recent study on various factors impacting class participation that suggested ways in which to address gender disparities in class participation in STEM classes; Parenting in the Academy, inspired by student interest; and a presentation on a large-scale data science project examining diversity in U.S. Museums, recently featured in the context of a Nat Sci seminar.”
Feminist Fridays is also currently open to any student suggestions, which includes project/event ideas and guest speakers.
“I would say that at least one session a semester is new, student-driven content, and sometimes more,” Brion said. “Student suggestions are very welcome, and can range from proposing a topic to suggesting particular presenters. There are currently two slots open this semester, so I would be happy to hear from some more students!”