Charlie Crist made a stop at Sarasota’s sunny bayfront last Tuesday evening to rally for the upcoming gubernatorial vote. Less than a week before the election, Crist took advantage of the final moments before citizens go to the polls.
Although the incumbent Rick Scott is experiencing low approval ratings, polls show Crist and Scott in a neck and neck race.
Crist stopped by the bay to talk briefly about nature and the preservation of our natural environment. Declaring “no offshore drilling!” and taking a jab at his opponent (“Only a guy from Texas would want that!”), Crist touted the importance of holding on to Florida’s natural beauty. He reminded the audience of his environmental policies and condemned Scott’s plan to drill in the Everglades.
The crowd of about a hundred erupted in cheers. The rally got Sarasota democrats pumped up for the midterm elections in support of Crist, a republican-turned-democrat. A man yelled “Hey Charlie, are you going to give back the money from the strip clubs?” but campaigners quickly silenced the heckler, blocking him with campaign signs and starting a loud chant of “Charlie! Charlie!” A boat also drove by the rally, blasting quotes from when Crist ran as a republican.
Congressional candidate Henry Lawrence stopped by to grant Crist his endorsement and urge everyone to go out and vote. With only about five minutes of an actual speech, Crist hung around to chat with his constituents, take photos with the Sarasota Adaptive Rowing Team and meet some medical marijuana supporters.
This week Crist also stopped at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Newtown to emphasize his stance on issues important to the African American community. Considering the low turnout of minorities in the primaries, Crist has zoned in on this important voter demographic by visiting African American churches around Florida.
Information for this article was taken from and