By Arianna Lockman and Chloe Rusek
It’s safe to say that New College has been experiencing many changes within the past two months: Students and faculty are concerned for the future of their school, but there’s one voice New College has yet to hear from: the Campus Police Department (CPD).
The changes made by the newly appointed members of the Board of Trustees (BOT) has left many wondering what other changes New College will face under their reign. Interim Chief of Police Jennifer Coley provides insight in an email interview with the Catalyst.
The CPD was present at the Sudakoff Conference Center for both the Jan. 31 and Feb. 28 BOT meeting. Every individual entering the building for both meetings was required to have their bags checked and to be wanded by security in order to detect any weapons or contraband. The CPD worked hard to ensure that everyone remained safe and secure throughout the duration of the meeting.
When asked how the CPD has adjusted in this time of change, Coley responded that the department has “adapted accordingly” and continues to “focus on the safety and security of the campus and the community.” They continue to uphold their mission, “to protect life and property; to identify and prevent any criminal activity that may occur; to apprehend and assist in the prosecution of any person who commits a crime on our campus; and to seek to identify community problems and solutions to those problems, to improve the overall quality of life in this community.”
“With the presence of the media or public officials on campus, security measures may be modified as needed by the CPD,” Coley said, acknowledging the national spotlight that has fallen over New College these past two months. However, she did not speak further as to what these changes and modifications might entail.
“New College of Florida has a restrictive and request-based media policy,” Coley said when asked whether the CPD is concerned with media presence on campus. “The policy prohibits unsolicited interviews and requires the media to ask permission to interview you. It is important for members of the campus community to remember that you have privacy rights and free speech rights.” She emphasized the importance of understanding the rights given to students and encouraged them to practice those rights.
Finally, when asked if any changes were to be made to the CPD, Coley responded that there are no potential changes that she is aware of. She encourages concerned students and faculty to reach out to her if they have any questions.