A recent email notified changes in parking protocols to students, faculty and staff with New College license plates. A $75 annual parking permit will now be required for all cars that have a New College license plate by June 30, 2021.
New guidelines stated in the email, “Valid NCF plates will be honored without a permit until June 30, 2021.” The parking office confirmed that license plates are only valid until June 30, 2021 or until one’s registration expires before June 30th.
License plates cost $275. They are advertised on the New College website as not only an emblem of school spirit but a way to curve paying a parking permit every school year.
Alumni Robyn McCartan stated, “It bothers me that my license plate will not be valid anymore. Honestly it is the only reason I really bought it in the first place.”
Students expressed their frustration with the added costs of parking registration especially because parking spaces will barely be used due to hybrid learning schedules.
Fourth-year student, Cole Schmidt said, “Annual parking registration is already expensive, especially since parking is not accessible to buildings like ACE and Sudakoff. If licenses aren’t valid anymore they should at least cut-down on the price.”